respond to God’s daily invitations of love, grace, and beauty in your life.

 Enneagram Coaching


As an Enneagram coach, I want to help you maximize your transformation with deeper explanations, practical applications, and prayerful encouragement and support. Together, we can discover your Enneagram Type, explore your unique characteristics, and nurture growth and long lasting transformation in yourself, your daily life and in your relationships with others.

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The Enneagram is an incredible personal assessment tool that can help you grow in self awareness and understanding of others. Together with the power of the Holy Spirit, the Enneagram can help you understand where you are (behaviors, patterns, choices, etc) and help move you to where you want to be - becoming the person God created you to be.

As it’s grown in popularity, the Enneagram has also grown in being misunderstood. It’s not simply a test, but a personal invitation from God to mature and grow. As your coach, I’d love to join you on this powerful journey of deepening your faith, growing in self-awareness, and experiencing true transformation.

I offer a complimentary call to discuss your desires and needs in Enneagram coaching. From there, we can decide which package is right for you.

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One-On-One Coaching Options


Typing Guidance

You’ve taken a few assessments and are still unsure about your Type or deciding between two different ones. I’d love to provide guidance with questions and tools to help pin-point your Type.

(via email) $30


Discover Typing Session

Maybe you’re brand new to the Enneagram or maybe you have questions about your Type or the Enneagram you’d like to have answered.  This is a great option for you!  We can meet in person or via video call to give you an introduction to the Enneagram, answer questions, and to discover your Type.

(60 minutes) $50


Nurture Session

To continue to nurture deep growth and lasting transformation, these sessions will focus on specific areas you want to work on such as communication, work-place relationships, or spiritual formation. 

(60 minutes) $50


Explore Series

In this five session series, we will explore your Type to gain a deeper understanding of who you are as we discuss wings, stress and security movement, stances, communication patterns and much more.  Meeting in person or via video call, these sessions can be done weekly or tailored to fit your schedule. 

(5 one hour sessions) $50 each



Enneagram couple coaching is also available for the above packages. Enneagram Presentations for groups and organizations are a great way to foster understanding and healthier relationships and cultivate a more collaborative work environment. Contact me for more information and pricing.

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