respond to God’s daily invitations of love, grace, and beauty in your life.



Spiritual Direction

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Are you desiring a deeper, more intimate relationship with God?

Do you find yourself tired or complacent in the ways you connect with God?

Would you like to grow in discerning Jesus’ work in your life?

Do you need a safe space to ask faith questions?

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What is spiritual direction?

Spiritual Direction is an ancient practice of noticing the presence and work of God in another’s life. It is a safe space to ask questions, to reflect and to share about your unique faith journey. Spiritual Direction is not counseling or coaching, as it is not focused on problems or goals in your life, but rather it is focused on the presence and work of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  As a spiritual director, I am not directing your spiritual life. Instead, together we are listening and discerning how God is directing your life.

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How does it work?

Spiritual Direction sessions are a time of prayer and conversation about your experience of God.  Unlike most conversations where both people are sharing and listening, this time is set aside for me to prayerfully listen to you.  I ask questions - you reflect and share - and I listen.  Together, with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we may also pray, read scripture or use silence to discern God’s communication with you.  You don’t need to prepare anything before our conversation, although any questions and observations are always welcomed.

Each session is one hour and we typically meet once a month.  Some people meet for direction for a specific season (discerning a decision, life transition, etc.) and some prefer to meet over many seasons, as long as it helps them on their journey. Fees are on a sliding scale of $40-75 per session. Through prayer and practical financial consideration, you decide how much to pay. We can talk in person or through FaceTime or Zoom.

I offer a complimentary consultation to answer any questions you have about Spiritual Direction and to determine if Spiritual Direction is a good choice for you.